Hello, Cosette

Thinny reaches a new version, with mobile support and some other cool features.

, in 27 February 2014

Thinny 2.1, codename “Cosette

Cosette is the main character of the french novel Les Misérables, published in 1862 by Victor Hugo.

Amanda Seyfried as Cosette on the 2012 movie.
Amanda Seyfried as Cosette on the 2012 movie.

This new version of Thinny comes with mobile support and some bugfixes.


Main variables

The global variables are set on the _config.yml1 file.

To start, you need to change at least the variable url on the file.

To add a social link you just need to add the following code inside the variable social:

  - icon:   [the genericon name for the social network]
    url:    [the url to follow]
    desc:   [a small description for the link (e.g. "Follow me on twitter")]

To add a menu item you just need to add the following code inside the variable menu:

  - title:  [title of the menu item]
    url:    [the url to follow]


You’ll find a lot of other variables inside the file, e.g.:

Default YAML tags


Here is a table with all Thinny’s versions:

Version Codename Platform Release date
0.3 Alexandra Ghost 0.3.x November 2013
2.0 Bianca Jekyll January 2014
2.1 Cosette Jekyll February 2014
2.2 Dolores Jekyll Soon…2


Thinny 2.1 is already available for download on GitHub.

Want to see something else added or report a bug? Open an issue.

  1. This file is placed in your root directory. It’s the main file of configuration. For more information, read the docs.

  2. See the issues list.